Wednesday 19 February 2014

Dear Friends,

Every week a group from our school goes to Prabhat. Prabhat is a NGO(Non Governmental Organization) where there are Cerebral Palsy and Mental Retardation kids. Mental Retardation means when the child doesn't act like his/her age and Cerebral Palsy means a condition marked by impaired muscle coordination or other disabilities, typically caused by damage to the brain before or at birth.  We are focusing on 5 main kids of Prabhat and making a documentary on them.

 Our first draft was seen on Monday that was 17/2/14 and our second draft still has to be made. First when I went to Prabhat I was feeling scared a lot because the children would not act normal. After a lot of interactions I started enjoying with them and including them in a group. My group is focusing on a boy named Shalman. He is a boy who has 75.5% Mental Retardation. He is 14 years old. His parents told us that he has improved a lot. He used to throw stones at others and would not eat anything nor  listen to anybody. Now he has started to listen and interact with all the kids of Prabhat and he is not  aggressive as he was.

Do not exclude physically challenged or Mentally Challenged Kids. After this please take a pledge that I will not try to exclude Physically or Mentally Challenged Kids. I would be happy if you do so.

I invite all the comments & a few questions

Is it not our responsibility to take care of these kids and spread smiles on their face?
If not then who will take care of these children !!!

Inviting your valuable feedback's

To get to know more about Prabhat please go on this site-

Ruchit Nambiar


  1. Very inspiring and thoughtful of your school to support such cause and inculcating moral values and social responsibility.
    A very good effort put forth in your writing, the success lies in how far its put to use in your everyday life.
